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Direct Factory Supply:This 2023 dress is a direct factory supply, ensuring high quality and affordability. It's perfect for those who appreciate fashion at an accessible price tag.
European Station New Design:Featuring a new design from the European station, this dress brings a touch of sophistication and elegance to your wardrobe. It's ideal for those who value style and trends.
Pleated Rogue Dress:The pleated rogue dress design adds a unique touch to this garment, making it stand out in any crowd. It's perfect for those who want to make a statement with their fashion choices.
Commuter-Friendly:With its comfortable and stylish design, this dress is perfect for commuting. It's designed to make you look put together and feel great, even after a long day at work.
High-Quality Material:Made from high-quality material, this dress ensures durability and comfort. It's perfect for those who want a dress that can withstand regular wear and tear.
Versatile Style:With its versatile style, this dress can be worn for various occasions. Whether you're going to work, out for a casual day, or attending a event, this dress has got you covered.
What's Shopshipshake?
We are an online shopping wholesale supplier dedicated to empowering businesses through trade for South African businessmen. Offer you multi-category products to directly wholesale and bulk buying from China factories. One-stop solution streamlines purchases, fulfillment, and logistics processes.
Assistance in small and medium-sized businesses to grasp opportunities and accelerate growth.
How to order?
Ordering on our website is quite simple:
1. Choose and pay for the products you like: select the items you want from our product list and proceed to place your order, completing the payment.
2. Wait for the products to arrive at our Chinese warehouse and pay for shipping: you need to pay for the shipping costs according to the parcels' weight.
3. Wait for the goods to arrive and inspect: Finally, all that's left is to wait for your products to arrive and then inspect them upon delivery.
How to calculate shipping costs?
The specific amount is calculated based on the size of your package. We offer both air and sea shipping options:
Air shipping is calculated according to“Weight” Sea shipping is calculated according to“Volume" We recommend using air shipping for light weight and small items (10-15 days ), while larger items are better suited for sea shipping (35-55 days).
Tips: For more about your order, place of delivery, product discount, taxation, delivery time, shipping, payment, exchange rate, and other questions, click here FAQ to quickly get your answer. For an online guide to the procurement process, click here Userguidance reference the process. To get more please contact our customer service team at