How to order?
At Shopshopshake, we are dedicated to providing exceptional online services, ensuring a seamless user experience. Here's a guide to our website service standards to help you navigate our platform effectively:
- Procurement (0-2 days)
Upon payment confirmation, our procurement team verifies stock availability with the supplier.
Tip: To maximize supplier availability, we recommend completing payment before 11 a.m. South Africa time.
- Domestic Transportation (1-2 days)
Suppliers transport goods to our Chinese warehouse.
- Warehouse Handling (1-3 days)
Our warehouse team organizes items based on weight and size. After handling, you can choose your shipping method and pay the shipping fee.
Note: Free warehousing is available for 90 days for 3S purchases and 30 days for forwarding.
- Sorting and Packaging (0-1 day)
Based on your selected shipping method, our warehouse staff carefully pack your parcels. For swift processing, ensure shipping fee payment is completed before 10 a.m. Dispatch usually occurs around this time.
Note: Air freight packaging is typically consolidated and dispatched within 0-2 days. Sea freight may require up to a week due to container loading and scheduling.
- Air Freight: After you finish the shipping payment, Arrive in 7-10 days
- Sea Freight: After you finish the shipping payment, Delivered in 35-55 days
Arrival in South Africa (0-2 days)
Goods reach our warehouse in Johannesburg, South Africa, and are promptly shelved.
- Self-Pickup: Collect within 5 days.
- Door-to-door: Estimated delivery within 2-7 days based on your residence.
How to calculate the cost?
The cost is divided into two parts: product cost + shipping fee.
The specific shipping fee can only be determined after the product arrives at the warehouse, according to the dimensions and weight.
Then you need to choose the shipping method and pay the shipping fee, we will arrange the transportation of your goods based on your selection.
Note: For the first time use us, we suggest estimating the approximate shipping fee in advance.
Thank you for choosing Shopshipshake. Contact our dedicated support team if you have any questions or require assistance. Happy shopping!
We hope you have a happy purchase on our website!
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